Living with Courageous Presence

Living with Courageous Presence

[CC] ~ The essence of courage is to willingly feel our vulnerability; this is what allows us to respond to life with an undefended, wise heart. This talk explores the ways we resist opening to vulnerability, and three key steps in cultivating a courageous presence....
Meditation: A Practice of RAIN (20:00 min.)

Meditation: A Practice of RAIN (20:00 min.)

The acronym RAIN – Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture – guides us in bringing mindfulness and compassion to difficult emotions. With practice, we can find our way home to open-hearted presence in the midst of whatever arises. “Don’t turn...
Earth’s Crisis: On the Edge of the Roof

Earth’s Crisis: On the Edge of the Roof

This talk was given in 2015, yet it is as timely as ever. It views the ecological dis-ease of our planet through the lens of our evolutionary unfolding. We explore the egoic trance that has precipitated the destruction of our environment, and the inner practices of...
Meditation: Living Loving Awareness (19:54 min.)

Meditation: Living Loving Awareness (19:54 min.)

By bringing our full attention to the aliveness in the body, we can open to the experience of interior space and the space that includes all sensations and sounds. This then allows us to perceive continuous space filled with the light of awareness. This meditation...
Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (20:04 min.)

Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (20:04 min.)

When we fully inhabit our body, we discover the space and wakefulness of awareness itself. In this meditation, we rest in this open awareness, and when the attention narrows into thoughts, we practice relaxing back into the openness that includes passing sounds,...
Realizing Your Deepest Intention

Realizing Your Deepest Intention

[CC] ~ The Buddha taught that this whole life – including our thoughts, feelings and actions – arise from the tip of intention. While our intentions are usually marbled with wanting and fear, when intention comes into the light of consciousness, it unfolds...
Meditation: Letting Go… Letting Be (16:57 min.)

Meditation: Letting Go… Letting Be (16:57 min.)

This guided meditation invites us to imagine a clenched fist relaxing open, and explores this in releasing contractions in the body as well as the grip of thoughts. When we deeply let go and let be, our energy flows freely. We reconnect with our natural aliveness,...
Finding True Refuge: Pathways of Remembering

Finding True Refuge: Pathways of Remembering

[CC] ~ This talk explores the three archetypal refuges of awareness (Buddha-nature), truth (Dharma) and love (Sangha) through stories, illustrations and reflections. We end with a Refuge ceremony that can be done by anyone who feels drawn. (To participate you will...
RAIN Partners Co-Meditation: Audio Guided Session (33:45 min.)

RAIN Partners Co-Meditation: Audio Guided Session (33:45 min.)

What Are RAIN Partners? RAIN – Recognize-Allow-Investigate-Nurture, the process of bringing mindfulness and compassion to difficult emotions, can be practiced with another person in a way that is deeply healing. RAIN partners agree to practice together on a regular...
Blog: Shifting from Blame to Love: 3 Practices for a Wise Heart

Blog: Shifting from Blame to Love: 3 Practices for a Wise Heart

Evolution has rigged all of us with a negativity bias—a survival-driven habit to scan for what’s wrong and to fixate on it. In contemporary society, a pervasive target is our own sense of unworthiness. We habitually fixate on how we’re falling short—in our...
From Judgment to Self-Compassion (retreat talk)

From Judgment to Self-Compassion (retreat talk)

When we’ve turned on ourselves with blame and aversion, it’s very difficult to arouse self-compassion. This talk looks at the role of nurturing in freeing our hearts, and offers practice in three key steps that enable us to embrace ourselves with a healing presence....
JAPANESE Taraのお話: 受け止めたメッセージ

JAPANESE Taraのお話: 受け止めたメッセージ

タラのお話: 受け取ったメッセージ Tara Brach (字幕:マジストラリ佐々木啓乃) 幼い頃の自分と出会い、両親から受け取った期待感を思い出すガイド瞑想。こうしてはダメ、こうなりなさい、という幼い頃に受け止めたメッセージは私達の中でどの様な影響を及ぼしているのでしょうか? タラのお話全編はこちらから(英語): Freedom from Fear-Based Beliefs To watch this clip with English captions: