Desire: A Current of Homecoming

Desire: A Current of Homecoming

Desire is intrinsic to our aliveness, yet when we have unmet needs, it can possess us. This talk explores how to relax open the grip of wanting and heal the suffering of addiction. You will learn how to bring mindfulness and compassion to the roots of desire, and be...
Loving Life, Loving Earth

Loving Life, Loving Earth

With prayers for Paris: What will it take to have us collectively awaken to the suffering of our earth and respond? This talk looks at how we are destroying our larger body, the earth; what stops us from recognizing and opening to the suffering of loss, and ways we...
Meditation: Mindful Body Scan (9:31 min.)

Meditation: Mindful Body Scan (9:31 min.)

This meditation practice systematically moves attention through the body, awakening a direct experience of sensation from the inside out. The benefits are a dramatic increase in vitality, sensitivity, presence and ease.
Feeling Gratitude, Giving Love

Feeling Gratitude, Giving Love

Like breathing in and breathing out, gratitude and generosity allow us to live fully. This talks explores what blocks these natural capacities, and three pathways of nourishing a grateful and giving heart. Includes the “What Do You Love”...
Heart Meditation: Loving Presence (33:55 min)

Heart Meditation: Loving Presence (33:55 min)

Scanning the body, filling it with the image of a smile, meditation continues with loving presence of someone easy to love, our own being, and offering care to others. – from 2015 fall IMCW retreat
Part 2: Awakening through Anger – The U-Turn to Freedom

Part 2: Awakening through Anger – The U-Turn to Freedom

While we have strong conditioning to react to aggression with more aggression, we have the capacity to pause, and instead deepen attention and connect to our natural wisdom and empathy.  This talk looks at how we can directly engage in this evolutionary adaptation...
Meditation: The Heartspace that is Home (26:46 min)

Meditation: The Heartspace that is Home (26:46 min)

This meditation awakens attention to the space of awareness… “No matter how far you’ve wandered, this heartspace – this awake tender awareness – is only a half-breath of remembrance away.”
Part 1: Awakening through Anger – The U-Turn to Freedom

Part 1: Awakening through Anger – The U-Turn to Freedom

Anger is naturally triggered when we feel an obstacle to meeting our needs. How do we honor the intelligence within anger, but not get hijacked into emotional reactivity that creates suffering in our individual and collective lives? This talk explores the U-turn that...
Compass of Our Heart

Compass of Our Heart

All of our actions, our entire life experience, arises from the energy of intention.  While it’s natural that our intentions are shaped by egoic wants and fears, when we bring this into conscious, compassionate awareness, we can discover the deep aspiration that...
Relating Wisely with Imperfection

Relating Wisely with Imperfection

Our survival brain reacts to perceived imperfection with aversion and anxiety, and if we are habituated to this reaction, we become imprisoned in the identity of a flawed separate self. This talk explores the healing and transformation that is possible as we learn to...
Awakening Beyond Self

Awakening Beyond Self

Suffering is our call to deepen attention and discover the truth of who we are beyond the identity of a separate, deficient self. This talk examines how thoughts, beliefs and emotions keep us trapped in a confining identity, and two pathways of practice that serve...