Guided Meditation: Receiving Life Through the Senses
Blog: Presence in the Face of Dying
At the end of a daylong meditation workshop, Pam, a woman in her late sixties, drew me aside. Her husband, Jerry, was near death after three years of suffering from lymphoma. “I wanted so much to save him,” she told me. “I looked into ayurvedic medicine, acupuncture,...Intimacy with Our Inner Life
Jung wrote that our suffering arises from the unseen, unfelt parts of our psyche. This talk explores ways we can establish a healing presence by recognizing and communicating with the parts of our being that we habitually ignore or judge.
Guided Meditation: Dance of Aliveness
1000 Serious Moves – Part 2
We easily habituate to feeling stressed, leaning forward, trying to figure things out and get things done. The undercurrent is we are living reactively–resisting unpleasant experience, seeking out more comfort and ease–perpetually wanting life to be...Meditation: Collecting, Unifying and Opening the Mind (23:20 min.)
“Listening to the breath as if you’re listening to the voice of a quiet loved one – really close in, tender attention. Including in the background sounds. Not pushing away anything – a very open and relaxed, receptive attention.”Blog: Living Life No Matter What
My earliest memories of being happy are of playing in the ocean. When our family began going to Cape Cod in the summer, the low piney woods, high dunes, and wide sweep of white sand felt like a true home. We spent hours at the beach, diving into the waves, body...1000 Serious Moves – Part 1
We easily habituate to feeling stressed, leaning forward, trying to figure things out and get things done. The undercurrent is we are living reactively–resisting unpleasant experience, seeking out more comfort and ease–perpetually wanting life to be...Guided Meditation: Resting in Mindful Awareness
Guided Meditation: Mindful Presence
Real But Not True
One of the most liberating realizations is that we don’t have to believe our thoughts. In this talk we look at the suffering caused by limiting beliefs–“I am unworthy, unloveable, unsafe”–and the process by which we open into the full aliveness and potential of our being.
Blog: The Suffering of Rejecting Desire
“We have been raised to fear…our deepest cravings. And the fear of our deepest cravings keeps them suspect, keeps us docile and loyal and obedient, and leads us to settle for…many facets of our own oppression.” – Audre Lourde In the myth of Eden, God created the...Back to the Garden
The suffering of perceiving ourselves as separate selves expresses as fear, aggression, shame and a host of other afflictive emotions. This talk examines how, by taking refuge in the present moment, and taking refuge in love, we reconnect with our wholeness, and the timeless presence that is home. This inquiry includes a guided meditation on the power of prayer to carry us back to our natural belonging.