Guided Meditation – The Dance of Sensations
Flowering, From Within, of Self-Blessing
This line from poet Galway Kinnell reminds us of the possibility of meeting our inner life with a loving, healing presence. When we do, we loosen the trance of unworthiness and reconnect with our intrinsic goodness. In turn, we can offer our blessings to others–serving as reminders of the awareness and love that can blossom in all beings.
Is this Universe a Friendly Place?
Albert Einstein was said to have proclaimed that the most important question any of us can ever ask ourselves is: “Is this universe a friendly place?” It’s a powerful inquiry. Another way to consider this question is: “Is there a fundamental goodness within humans?”...Guided Meditation – Meeting Life with Your Whole Body
Freedom in the Midst of Difficulty
We suffer when we forget who we are and get caught in a limited sense of self. This talk explores how we become identified with a sliver of what we are, and the pathway to remembering our wholeness. When we know we’re the ocean, we are free to relate to the waves with respect, compassion and love.
Blog: Praying from Presence – Part 2
This is Part II of a two-part series. To read Part 1 – click here When we are suffering and turn to prayer, no matter what the apparent reasons for our pain, the basic cause is always the same: we feel separate and alone. Our reaching out is a way of...Blog: Praying from Presence – Part I
In moments of desperation, no matter what we believe, we all tend to reach out in prayer to something or someone for help. We might call out for relief from a migraine, beg to be selected for a job, pray for the wisdom to guide our child through a difficult...Guided Meditation – Portal of Aliveness
Embodied Presence: Gateway to Intimacy and Freedom
We often move through the day in a reactive trance, removed from the aliveness of our bodies and this natural world. This talk explores how coming home to our bodies awakens us to living love, creativity and the deepest realization of who we are.
El misterio de quiénes somos
Cuando mi hijo estaba en una escuela Waldorf, alguien me contó una historia que me encantó. Los niños estaban en clase de arte, sentados en varias mesas, trabajando en sus proyectos. Una niña estaba trabajando muy bien, enfocándose completamente en lo que tenía...Opening the Lotus of Your Heart (retreat talk)
Our reaction to life’s stress is to contract, and we live many moments with a tight body, clenched heart and narrowed mind. This talk explores how deepening attention can reconnect us with our natural openness and radiance (from the 2012 Women’s Retreat on 2/3/2012).
Guided Meditation – Letting Life Live Through Us
Questions, Guided Meditation and Group Sharing
Led by Tara