Pathways to a Grateful Heart
When we are filled with gratitude, we are living from the most sincere, awake part of our being. This talk explores three pathways of practice that open us to serving and savoring this life.
Navegando las olas
No podemos hacer que las olas paren, pero sí podemos aprender a navegarlas. No podemos controlar lo que nos pase en la vida. Van a haber personas con la cuales no estemos de acuerdo. Puede ser que nos enfermemos o que nuestras emociones lleguen a un nivel abrumador y...Living Whole-Heartedly
The happiest people I know have something in common: they are whole-hearted in how they engage in their lives…whole-hearted in relating with others, in work, in meditation, and in play. They have a capacity to give themselves thoroughly to the present...Blog: Living Whole-Heartedly
The happiest people I know have something in common: they are whole-hearted in how they engage in their lives…whole-hearted in relating with others, in work, in meditation, and in play. They have a capacity to give themselves thoroughly to the present moment....Guided Meditation
Mindful Speech
Deception, gossip and aggressive speech are pervasive in our culture. This talk looks at the roots of these forms of communication, and the way they entrap us in a contracted and separate sense of self. We then explore the practices that help us speak from a...La ilusión del ser irreal en otras personas
Es muy posible que nuestra sensibilidad hacia las noticias mundiales vaya disminuyendo a medida que el número de ellas aumente. En el periódico y en el Internet cada día aparecen tantos reportajes de personas que están en paro, huelgas de hambre, perdida de...Guided Meditation – Discovering Inner Space (29:22 min.)
By imagining the space inside the body, we discover the continuous space of awareness that is the source and essence of all aliveness.The Space of Presence
The perception of “there’s not enough time or space” in life blocks our natural capacity for intimacy, creativity and wisdom. Pausing and connecting with the space of presence transforms our entire experience of being alive. This talk explores the pathways that reveal the space that is always here, the awake and loving space of our own awareness. (See “The Space of Presence” in video.)