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Being Truthful – How Honesty Nourishes Love

Jan 29, 2020

The grounds of happiness, loving relationships and a just and flourishing society is honesty. And yet our current times are characterized by a plethora of deception – both societally, and often in more subtle ways, in our personal lives. This talk examines the deep conditioning we have to deceive others, and to avoid facing and acknowledging our own vulnerability. We then explore how we can commit ourselves to deepening our truth telling, and in so doing, creating a climate of integrity and trust that can lead to a more compassionate world (a talk from the 2017 archives).

The sign of truthfulness is a kind of sincerity where you feel innocent, clear, tender and real. ~ Tara

Being truthful is the new beautiful. ~ Suzy Kassem

An honorable human relationship – that is one in which two people have the right to use the word love – is a process of deepening the truths they can tell each other. It is important to do this because it breaks down human self-delusion and isolation. ~ Adrienne Rich


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