Blog: Notes on Healing and Awakening

Blog: Trance of “Unreal Other”

Blog: Trance of “Unreal Other”

The truth is: without a genuine willingness to let in the suffering of others, our spiritual practice remains empty. Father Theophane, a Christian mystic, writes about an...

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Blog: Reaching Out For Compassion

Blog: Reaching Out For Compassion

At a weekend workshop I led, one of the participants, Marian, shared her story about the shame and guilt that had tortured her. Marian’s daughter, Christy, in recovery for...

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Blog: Decide On Love

Blog: Decide On Love

Jeff was convinced he’d fallen out of love with his wife, Arlene, and that nothing could salvage their twenty-six-year marriage. He wanted relief from the oppressiveness of...

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Blog: A Gesture of Kindness

Blog: A Gesture of Kindness

The next time you find yourself in a bad mood, take a moment to pause and ask yourself, “What is my attitude toward myself right now? Am I relating to myself with judgment … or...

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Blog: Can You Medicate Meditation?

Blog: Can You Medicate Meditation?

The use of anti-depressants by those involved in meditation practice is a very hot topic. Students often ask me things like, “If I take Prozac, isn’t that as good as giving up?...

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Blog: Joy

Blog: Joy

Not too long ago, my ex-husband, Alex, brought us a big batch of his homemade almond butter. It is such a really delicious treat. I took a bite, and as I tasted it, I thought,...

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Blog: The Trance of Fear

Blog: The Trance of Fear

All of us live with fear. Whenever fear takes over, we’re caught in what I call the trance of fear. As we tense in anticipation of what may go wrong, our heart and mind contract....

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Blog: From Longing to Belonging

Blog: From Longing to Belonging

The great Tibetan yogi Milarepa spent many years living in isolation in a mountain cave. As part of his spiritual practice, he began to see the contents of his mind as visible...

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Blog: Taking Refuge in the Buddha

Blog: Taking Refuge in the Buddha

As a teacher I’m often asked: What does it mean in Buddhist practice when you agree to “take refuge” in the Buddha? Does this mean I need to worship the Buddha? Or pray to the...

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Trusting the Gold: Uncovering Your Natural Goodness

Trusting the Gold by Tara Brach

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