Do You Have Spiritual Friends? The Joy and Nourishment that Comes from Fellowship on the Path
FREE WEBINAR with Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield and Tami Simon
April 24, 2023 @ 8:00 PM ET / 5:00 PM PT
Do you have spiritual friends? The secret ingredient of a full, happy life is the companionship of kindred spirits. We need each other to learn, grow, awaken, and experience true joy. Please join us for this FREE Webinar with Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield and Sounds True Founder & CEO Tami Simon.
Here’s what we’ll explore:
The role of spiritual friendship in the face of challenges and difficulties, and why we each need to feel seen and heard in order to flourish
How to find common ground with people who at first appear to be very different from us
The epidemic of loneliness in our time and what we each can do about it
Finding spiritual fellowship in unlikely places, including online
What is required from us to share in a vulnerable way with other people
- How spiritual companionship can mirror our innate goodness of heart