Meditation: Present Heart (14:16 min)

Meditation: Present Heart (14:16 min)

We awaken a present heart by relaxing with the breath, and bringing the kindness of a smile into our bodily experience. This meditation ends with offering blessings to our inner life and all...
Meditation: Meeting Life with a Spacious Heart (22:00 min.)

Meditation: Meeting Life with a Spacious Heart (22:00 min.)

Especially when we’re stressed, we need pathways to an allowing, kind presence. This meditation guides us to relax and open through our bodies, and then meet changing waves of experience with a sea of awareness that is intrinsically allowing and tender. the ruthless...
Relationships – from Reactivity to Re-choosing Love

Relationships – from Reactivity to Re-choosing Love

Most of us have habitual ways we create separation from others. This talk takes a look at the roots of our emotional reactivity and ways our meditation practice can foster more loving connection in our...
Compassion toward Non-Human Animals

Compassion toward Non-Human Animals

A Conversation between Konda Mason and Tara Brach The medicine our world most needs is compassion, and it is crucial that this include all living beings. Our societal conditioning blinds us to the horror of suffering experienced by non-human animals through our cruel...
Being Embodied: Gateway to Aliveness and Spirit – Part 2

Being Embodied: Gateway to Aliveness and Spirit – Part 2

All that we cherish—creativity, love, wisdom, realization—arises from an embodied presence. Yet as we know, the wounds and trauma of our society and individual lives leads toward dissociation. These two talks look at the challenges to awakening through our bodies, and...
Being Embodied: Gateway to Aliveness and Spirit – Part 1

Being Embodied: Gateway to Aliveness and Spirit – Part 1

All that we cherish—creativity, love, wisdom, realization—arises from an embodied presence. Yet as we know, the wounds and trauma of our society and individual lives leads toward dissociation. These two talks look at the challenges to awakening through our bodies, and...
Meditation: Compassion Practice – Tonglen (23:39 min.)

Meditation: Compassion Practice – Tonglen (23:39 min.)

Our deepest wisdom and purest actions arise out of open-hearted presence. This meditation, a compassion practice or tonglen, is drawn from the Tibetan tradition and carries us home to the vastness of loving presence (re-mastered from the 2013 IMCW fall 7-day silent...
Engaged Spirituality during Times of Upheaval

Engaged Spirituality during Times of Upheaval

Engaged spirituality means responding to our world’s suffering with wisdom and deep care. This talk looks at three blocks to aligning our actions with our heart – “bad othering,” dissociation and overwhelm. We explore how we can awaken from each reaction to suffering...
Equanimity: The Gifts of Non-Reactive Mindful Presence

Equanimity: The Gifts of Non-Reactive Mindful Presence

If we want to bring our intelligence, creativity and love into our relationships and world, we need to be able to access an inner refuge of presence. This talk explores how, when we’re reacting from anger, clinging or fear, to pause, reconnect to the immediate...
Radical Acceptance – Gateway to Love, Wisdom and Peace

Radical Acceptance – Gateway to Love, Wisdom and Peace

Acceptance is radical because it undoes our resistance to reality. This talk explores how our meditation practice can cultivate a liberating acceptance, a heartspace that includes all of life and enables us to respond to our world with deep intelligence and...
Cultivating Loving Kindness – Seeing the Goodness

Cultivating Loving Kindness – Seeing the Goodness

The ground of loving kindness is seeing the basic goodness in ourselves, each other and our world. This is what gives rise to pure appreciation, friendliness, love and the felt-sense of belonging. In this talk we explore what obscures and contracts our perceptual...
Love in Action: Realizing Interbeing

Love in Action: Realizing Interbeing

The suffering in our world arises out of a sense of separation—from our own bodies and hearts, each other, and this living web. These two talks explore this trance of separation and how it’s led humans to destroying our larger body, Earth. We then look at...
The Earth is Crying in Our Hearts

The Earth is Crying in Our Hearts

The suffering in our world arises out of a sense of separation—from our own bodies and hearts, each other, and this living web. These two talks explore this trance of separation and how it’s led humans to destroying our larger body, earth. We then look at the...