Guided Meditations
Browse the entire library, or select a category below:
Guided Meditation – “At Home in Presence”
Guided Meditation – “The Breath As a Portal to Presence”
Guided Meditation – “Coming Home to Aliveness and Presence”
Guided Meditation – “Arriving Fresh in Sacred Presence”
Guided Meditation: Arriving In Sacred Presence
Guided Meditation – Coming Home to Presence
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation – Full Aliveness & Transformative Presence
Guided Meditation – Presence, Aliveness, Space

Guided Meditation – Setting Intention (22:01 min.)

Guided Meditation – “Guided Forgiveness Practice” (29:08 min.)
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation: Listening – Portal to Full Awareness
Guided Meditation: Listening Presence

Meditation: On Intention – What Does Your Heart Most Long For? (22:57 min.)
Guided Meditation: Inhabiting Vibrating Space

Guided Meditation: Embodied Spirit (23:48 min)
As we quiet our minds, relax and become mindful of the aliveness in our body, we discover the formless spirit that shines through our Being.
Guided Meditation: Opening Into Space and Aliveness
Guided Meditation: Receiving Life Through the Senses
Guided Meditation: Dance of Aliveness
Please consider a donation of any size—your generosity allows us to offer these talks and meditations freely.