Guided Meditations
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Meditation: Collecting, Unifying and Opening the Mind (23:20 min.)
"Listening to the breath as if you're listening to the voice of a quiet loved one - really close in, tender attention. Including in the background sounds. Not pushing away...
Guided Meditation: Resting in Mindful Awareness
Guided Meditation: Mindful Presence
Guided Meditation: Float in Awareness
Guided Meditation: A Listening Presence

Guided Meditation: Space of Awareness (from Spring 2012 IMCW retreat)
This meditation is adapted from a meditation called "Open Focus." Let whatever comes spontaneously to your awareness to be there as you follow along with the questions, which...

Guided Meditation: Space of Awareness (from Spring 2012 IMCW retreat) (28:52 min.)
This meditation is adapted from a meditation called "Open Focus." Let whatever comes spontaneously to your awareness to be there as you follow along with the questions, which...

Introduction to the Heart Practices (instruction and meditation from retreat) (39:55 min.)
These instructions on the heart practices were given at the IMCW 2012 Spring Retreat. A guided lovingkindness or “metta” meditation to open the heart, call on love, and come home to presence follows.

Introduction to the Heart Practices (35:55 min)
Instructions on the heart practices from the IMCW 2012 Spring Retreat - a guided lovingkindness or "metta" meditation to open the heart, call on love, and come home to presence...
Meditation – Field of Aliveness (18 min.)
Guided Meditation – Invite Yourself Into Presence – 16 min.
Guided Meditation – Letting Life Be As It Is – 21 min.
A little longer guided meditation - when you have a little more time...

Guided Meditation – Letting Life Be As It Is – 15 min.
Same meditation, but without the introduction and "Om's"
Guided Meditation – Arriving in Now
A little longer guided meditation - when you have a little more time.
Guided Meditation – Resting in Wakefulness (13 min)
A short guided meditation - when you only have 13 minutes.
Guided Meditation – Being Here (10:30 min)
A short guided meditation - when you only have 10 1/2 minutes...
Guided Meditation – Open Awareness
Guided Meditation – Dance of Sensation

Guided Meditation: Space of Awareness (from Spring 2012 IMCW retreat) (28:52 min.)
This meditation is adapted from a meditation called “Open Focus.” Let whatever comes spontaneously to your awareness to be there as you follow along with the questions, which begin with, “Can you imagine…?”

Guided Meditation (with instructions) – “Lovingkindness (Metta)”
Tara leads a guided Metta meditation with instructions.
Please consider a donation of any size—your generosity allows us to offer these talks and meditations freely.