Guided Meditations
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Méditation: Sache que tu es ici (19:21 min.)
Nous passons de nombreux moments en transe, voyageant vers le passé et le futur, perdus dans une réalité virtuelle. Cette méditation nous aide à capter notre attention avec notre...
Meditation: Spacious, Clear Awareness (22:42 min.)
This meditation begins with a breath that calms and collects the attention, and then a body scan that enables us to awaken our senses. Finally, we relax open fully to include the...
Meditation: Breathing Through (17:09 min.)
Drawn from a classic Tibetan Buddhist compassion practice, this guided meditation invites us to open to the sufferings of the world, and let it move through our hearts and out...
Meditation: Know That You’re Here (20:01 min.)
We spend many moments in a trance, time traveling to the past and future, lost in a virtual reality. This meditation helps us collect our attention with our breath, awaken...
Meditation: Silence, Presence and Care (21:05 min.)
Quieting our busy bodies and minds brings alive our heart and spirit. This practice begins with a reading on silence by Gunilla Norris, and then includes guidance in letting go...
Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (20:04 min.)
When we fully inhabit our body, we discover the space and wakefulness of awareness itself. In this meditation, we rest in this open awareness, and when the attention narrows into...
Réflexion guidée : Lâcher-prise… laisser-être
Résumé : Cette méditation guidée nous invite à imaginer un poing fermé qui se détend. Elle explore cette expérience en libérant les contractions du corps ainsi que l’emprise des...
Meditation: Letting Go… Letting Be (16:55 min.)
This guided meditation invites us to imagine a clenched fist relaxing open, and explores this in releasing contractions in the body as well as the grip of thoughts. When we...
Meditation: What Matters to your Heart? (9:26 min.)
Entering a new year is a wonderful opportunity to clarify our purpose. In this guided visualization, we are invited to attune to the state of our heart and our deepest...
Meditation: Awakening an Intimate Presence (20:24 min.)
This guided meditation cultivates a relaxed, gentle presence with whatever expressions of life are arising in the moment. We begin by releasing and opening through the body, and...
Meditation: Awakening Loving Presence (22:23 min.)
Loving presence is an innate capacity, and it can be cultivated. This meditation begins with a scan arousing a relaxed tender presence in the body, then brings loving attention...
Meditation: Collecting and Quieting the Mind (16:48 min.)
Our conditioned mind is filled with distractions, including worry-thoughts that continually create anxiety in the body. This meditation guides us in relaxing the body, and then...
Meditation: Refuge in Presence (18:26 min.)
We arrive in presence through the gateway of the body, scanning through with awareness, and then resting with the breath and body sensations. As we include whatever arises with a...
Heart Meditation: Taking in the Goodness (24:31 min.)
Taking in the Goodness: Rumi said, “Whenever some kindness comes to you, turn that way – toward the source of kindness.” This meditation guides us to look for the source of...
Meditation: Energy and Source (19:21 min)
Our incessant thinking removes us from the full aliveness, vastness and mystery of Being. This guided practice helps us inhabit our energetic forms, and rest in the vast,...
Meditation: Filling Our Body with Love (16:26 min.)
When we are fully awake, love shines through our entire body and being. This meditation awakens that embodied love through the image and felt sense of the smile, scanning through...
Meditation: RAIN of Compassion (9:21 min.)
In this short practice, we are guided in bringing the mindfulness and self-nurturing of RAIN to a difficult emotion. This helps us shift from feeling stuck and reactive to the...
Meditation: Awakening Self-Compassion (27:02 min.)
This RAIN meditation helps us explore pathways to nurturing ourselves in a way that brings profound transformation and healing.
Meditation: The Return to Presence – Rest Your Mind in What Is (21:17 min.)
It’s natural that our attention wanders, and the more we relax back, the more that becomes our habit…returning to presence. This meditation opens with conscious breathing and...
Meditation: The Space of Loving Awareness (18:22 min.)
This meditation begins by guiding us through a scan: opening to inner space and aliveness, then to outer space, and then continuous space, filled with the light of awareness. We...
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