Guided Meditations
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Meditation: Relaxing Back into the Mystery (18:11 min.)
All true meditation guides us back to presence, and the mystery that is our source. In this guided meditation we awaken the senses, collect with the breath, and when lost in...
Meditation: Coming Home with the Breath (14:57 min.)
Our breath is always available as a pathway back to presence. This simple meditation guides us to relax and awaken in the body, and then establishes the breath as a home base for...
Guided Meditation: Intimacy with the Flow of Life (20:09 min.)
The meditation begins with a body scan, filling the body with aliveness. Then we widen attention, becoming aware of the sounds that are happening moment-to-moment, aware of the...
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Meditation: Relaxing Back into Presence (11:35 min.)
When we are stressed, our body and mind contract, and energetically we resist the life in the present moment. This meditation helps de-condition the stress reaction by guiding us...
Meditation: Present Heart (14:16 min)
We awaken a present heart by relaxing with the breath, and bringing the kindness of a smile into our bodily experience. This meditation ends with an offering of blessings to our...
Meditation: From Head to Full Being (18:57 min.)
When we are lost inside thoughts we lose connection with our heart, aliveness and spirit. This meditation guides us to a wakeful presence and invites us to return over and over...
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Meditation: Awakening Our Energy Body (19:49 min.)
This meditation scans the body and directly invites the awakening of key energy centers (chakras) in our body. We then rest in the openhearted awareness that includes this ever...
Meditation: Sea of Loving Presence (22:14 min.)
In this meditation we begin with the image and felt sense of a smile to arouse an atmosphere of care, and allow that caring presence to fill our body and the entire field of...
Meditation: Letting Life Be (22:55 min.)
This meditation establishes an atmosphere of loving kindness with the “smile”; relaxes and awakens through the body; and guides us into a spacious presence. We then rest in that...
Meditation: Letting Go into Living Presence (18:14 min.)
This guided meditation starts with a scan that invites relaxing and awakening through the body. We then allow life - sounds, sensations, aliveness - to live through us, resting...
Meditation: Saying “Yes” to Reality (17:38 min.)
Our suffering comes from tensing and resisting the life that’s here. This meditation guides us to relax and awaken our body and senses, and resting in presence, allow life to be...
Meditation: Being Here (with community OM’s) (20:43 min.)
We miss many moments of this precious life drifting in a virtual thought world. This meditation helps us collect and calm ourselves with the breath; relax through our bodies; and...
Meditation: Entering Heartspace with the “Smile-Down” (18:29 min.)
The practice of visualizing and feeling a smile spreading through the body helps us access the natural tenderness and openness of our being. This meditation guides us in the...
Meditation: Relaxing with Life (22:57 min.)
This meditation includes a mindful body scan and guidance in relaxing with the changing waves of experience. When we say “Yes” to the moment, we open to the sea of awareness that...
Meditation: Resting in a Sea of Presence (20:49 min.)
This mindful body scan leads us into a practice of relaxing back into awareness, and recognizing the changing waves of sensations, sounds and feelings in the foreground. As we...
Meditation: Reducing Anxiety and Getting to Sleep (18:00 min.)
Many of us struggle with anxiety, and spend hours in bed wishing we could turn off our mind and get to sleep. This podcasted series of 3 guided meditations - 6, 12, and 18...
Meditation: Reducing Anxiety and Getting to Sleep (12:00 min.)
Many of us struggle with anxiety, and spend hours in bed wishing we could turn off our mind and get to sleep. This podcasted series of 3 guided meditations - 6, 12, and 18...
Meditation: Reducing Anxiety and Getting to Sleep (6:52 min.)
Many of us struggle with anxiety, and spend hours in bed wishing we could turn off our mind and get to sleep. This podcasted series of 3 guided meditations - 6, 12, and 18...
Meditation: Listening to Life (18:54 min.)
The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds, listen to and feel...
Meditation: Relaxing Back into Living Presence (18:55 min.)
When we are lost in thoughts our mind contracts, our body tightens and we disconnect from true openheartedness. The pathway home is through “relaxing back” and reopening our...