Results for "breathing meditation"

Méditation: Le Lâcher-prise  (19:58 min.)

Méditation: Le Lâcher-prise (19:58 min.)

…et à l’intégrité de l’être qu’il entraine. Cette méditation est de Tara Brach. Elle est traduite et dite avec sa permission par Dominique Fugère  (Québec, Canada). English: Meditation: Letting Go…

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Talks and Meditations from Retreats

Talks and Meditations from Retreats

…talks, guided meditations, and question/answer – Q/A – periods recorded during Tara’s 5- and 7-day residential retreats. Talks from Retreats Meditations from Retreats Short Talks, Instructions and QA’s from Retreats…

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Ten-Minute Basic Meditation (10 min.)

Ten-Minute Basic Meditation (10 min.)

…the first morning instructions at the fall 2015 Insight Meditation Community of Washington 7-day silent retreat (a favorite from the archives). In French: Pratique de méditation de base de 10…

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Part 1: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice

Part 1: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice

…of clear recognition and an allowing non-judgmental presence. Listen and watch Part 2: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice Listen and watch Part 1: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice (below)…

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Part 2: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice

Part 2: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice

…of clear recognition and an allowing non-judgmental presence. Listen and watch Part 1: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice Listen and watch Part 2: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice (below)…

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Meditation with Tara Brach