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Check out Tara’s Recent Meditations and Talks:

Meditation: Relaxed and Awake (16:59 min.)

Meditation: Relaxed and Awake (16:59 min.)

This guided meditation helps us find ease and wakefulness in our body and mind. With the breath as our home base, we offer a gentle and full attention to the changing waves. We close with a beautiful poem, “Walk Slowly,” by Danna Faulds....

The Three Refuges: Gateways to Belonging and Freedom

The Three Refuges: Gateways to Belonging and Freedom

We all need ways to guide our attention that allow us to find wisdom, love and freedom in the midst of our lives. This talk reviews three archetypal gateways—Buddha/awareness, Dharma/truth, and Sangha/loving community. Through teachings, guided meditations and a...

Short Talk and Meditation: Saying “Yes” to Our Life (11:23 min.)

Short Talk and Meditation: Saying “Yes” to Our Life (11:23 min.)

Our habitual ways of avoiding pain keep us from experiencing intimacy with our inner life and with each other. This short talk and guided meditation offers instruction in saying “yes” to the life we encounter. As we release resistance, we discover the creativity,...

Trusting Who We Are (retreat talk)

Trusting Who We Are (retreat talk)

When we are suffering, we are believing something untrue - usually a limiting story about who we are. This talk explores the roots of our self-doubts, and the teachings and practices that remind us of our basic goodness - the loving awareness that is our source (given...