Talks and Meditations with Videos
A collection of all of Tara’s talks and meditations that include videos.
Also view Tara Talks – a web series of short videos from the full-length recordings.
Happy for No Reason – Part 2: Opening to Happiness
These two talks explore the two different kinds of happiness, the blocks to happiness, and the ways that mindful presence and intentional gladdening the heart (positive...
The RAIN of Forgiveness
The capacity to release the armoring of hatred and blame is intrinsic to our evolving consciousness. This talk explores the process of authentic forgiveness, and how we can...
Healing Self-Doubt
Healing Self-Doubt - Siddhartha Gautama’s last challenge before enlightenment was doubt, and to some degree, most of us live with limiting beliefs about our own worthiness and...
Meditation: Opening and Calming (14 min. video and audio)
This meditation guides us in collecting and quieting the mind with the breath, and then relaxing all effort, and simply resting in what is. Explore more videos from Tara at her...
The Power of Inquiry in Spiritual Awakening – Part 1
Part I - In spiritual life, inquiry arises from our deep yearning to understand reality, and it involves bringing an interested, engaged attention to our immediate experience. ...
Three Attitudes that Nourish a Liberating Practice
A key spiritual inquiry is, “In this moment, what most serves awakening?” Rather than a particular style of meditation practice, it is our way of relating to our experience - our...
Three Blessings on the Journey (Part 2)
Drawing on a wonderful teaching story from the Upanishads, these two talks explore the role of forgiveness, inner fire and looking at our own minds, in finding freedom. NOTE:...
Three Blessings on the Journey (Part 1)
Drawing on a wonderful teaching story from the Upanishads, these two talks explore the role of forgiveness, inner fire and looking at our own minds, in finding freedom. NOTE:...
Gateways of Remembrance: The Three Refuges
This talk explores the traditional refuges of awareness (buddha nature), truth (dharma) and love (sangha) that are at the heart of Buddhism, and found in many spiritual and...
Secret Beauty – Seeing the Goodness – Solstice Talk
This solstice talk explores two pathways to realizing the Secret Beauty that is our essence. One is through the compassion that arises when we stay with vulnerability and...