Talks and Meditations with Videos
A collection of all of Tara’s talks and meditations that include videos.
Also view Tara Talks – a web series of short videos from the full-length recordings.

Part 2 – Freedom: Taking the Backward Step
This talk investigates the core conditioning that creates and sustains trance. We then explore two gateways to realizing and inhabiting our true nature – inquiry and letting go. Watch the video of “Part 2 – Freedom: Taking the Backward Step”

Part 1 – Freedom: Seeing Who Is Looking Through the Mask
We suffer when we are identified with our egoic conditioning and unable to recognize the spirit – the love and awareness – that animates our own and all beings. In this talk we explore how recognizing our vulnerability and basic goodness helps us to see through the mask and realize who is here.

Cultivating Equanimity (Duck Meditation)
Equanimity, the mindful presence that neither grasps nor resists experience, is the grounds for unconditional love and wise action. This talk explores the conditioning that entraps us in reactivity, and two primary pathways for coming home to this natural state of balance and presence.

Committing to Joy
What makes joy rare? How do we awaken this beautiful capacity to embrace life? In this talk we explore the obstacles to joy and the attitude and practices that free us to “love what is.”
Cultivating Compassion
We each have the potential to live with a compassionate, open heart. In this talk we explore the conditioning that closes us off to authentic caring, and the ways of deepening our attention that help us live to include widening circles of beings in our heart.
Intimacy with Life – Awakening Love
The Buddha taught about four Divine Abodes–dwelling places of the awakened heart mind: lovingkindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. In this four-part series, we will explore the ways our conditioning blocks us from these expressions of inner freedom, and the understandings and practices that enable us to inhabit our full potential.

Training for Intimacy with Life
“Enlightenment is intimacy with all things” teaches Zen Master Dogen. While we long for this intimacy, we are conditioned to avoid the vulnerability and fear that an intimate presence can arouse. This talk explores how our mindfulness and heart practices cultivate the capacity to be intimate with our sensations of aliveness, our emotions and the beings in our life.

Part 2 – The Lion’s Roar
The Buddha taught that faith--trust in our true nature--is intrinsic to the spiritual path and the expression of wisdom. These two talks investigate the practices of presence...

Part 1 – The Lion’s Roar
The Buddha taught that faith--trust in our true nature--is intrinsic to the spiritual path and the expression of wisdom. These two talks investigate the practices of presence...

The World in Our Heart
Some contemporary evolutionary theories track our development from survival of the fittest to group selection whereby we have the capacity for cooperation and empathy. This talk explores how our meditation practice of attending and befriending consciously facilitates the unfolding of our full evolutionary potential. The talk includes a guided meditation that helps us widen the circles of belonging to include all beings.